Spike Room
Spike room is one of the scariest hallways in the game. It's very easy to miss something and die. One of the biggest run killers for beginners. This room has a LOT of different strategies that can be used
Beginner strats
The beginner strats are all follow-ups to the right path used early on and previously shown here
Jet strat
This strat is very comfy but the slowest of all as Rush Jet speed is quite slow. There are a few things you gotta do still.
First you need to boost the 2nd spike enemy while facing left, this is important as for whatever reason Jet gets a speed boost for each reversed dboost. Make sure to avoid all refills as you SHOULDNT need them for Jet.
Balloon strats (with Buster start)
Having buster at the start of this room actually gives a small advantage as the first spike enemy will be as low as possible.
After killing the small skull head, you switch to Balloons and take a back boost from the spike enemy you then should have enough time to easily back boost the second one and reach the 2nd ledge. You wanna avoid using balloons here as it will trigger the refill which might kill you if you are not used to it. The rest is pretty straight forward past that point, you do wanna pick up all refills in this room while picking Balloons (not like you can dodge them anyways)
Note that most of the back boost are not necessary, they do save time and can make some sections a bit easier. So try them out if you feel comfortable enough with this room, else just boost off
(unfinished yet ~Aurel)