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Suggested Route is

  1. Neptune First
  2. Mercury
  3. Mars
  4. Venus
  5. Dark Moon
  6. Pluto
  7. Jupiter
  8. Saturn
  9. Uranus

Route Rationale

Neptune and Mercury have good early game weapons. Mercury's weapon does 2 points of damage a shot, and Mars is weak to Neptune.

Venus could conceivably be first, as the Bubble Bomb is a very effective weapon. Unfortunately it is also a laggy and awkward to use at range weapon. Feel free to try this route, as Venus is not a difficult buster fight, but it is likely slower overall.

Pluto's weapon is integral to Jupiter's stage.

Jupiter has the best weapon in the game, so that goes next.

Saturn has Rush Jet which is strangely not used in this run.

Other Notes

There is an enforced shopping trip after Dark Moon. If you want a W-Tank, this is the time to buy it.

If you are collecting all Crystals, note a revisit to one of Pluto or Uranus is required, as each blocks the other's crystal.