Grenade Part 1 - General Tips
Remember the Mega Ball can be carried in front of Mega Man, letting you charge the buster while killing "dribbling" the ball to defeat an enemy. Much of the first screen's movement depends on this.
Always Be Sliding. Small slides and money jumps (sliding off a ledge into a ball jump) save small amounts of time that add up (though none are strictly necessary for beginners).
You should save at least 12 Mega Balls for the mid-boss, Ururunn. (The giant floating trash eye).
General Information
The sets of exploding boxes in this stage come in 2 colors. A set of continuous colors will explode if one explodes, and stop at the other color's boxes. Any level of charge shot (half or full) will "pierce" a box, destroying all boxes in its line of fire (this is most obvious at the early giant wall of boxes).
Bolt Considerations
RememberAny% collects the Megabolt Ballon canthe behigh carriedplatform inbefore frontthe mid boss.
40 Bolts should collect the bolt at the start of Mega Man, letting you charge the bustersecond whilescreen killingas anwell. enemy(See withGrenade theMan ball.Bolt Locations)
Always Be Sliding.
You should save at least 12 Mega Balls for the mid-boss, Ururunn. (The giant floating trash eye).