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Route Information

Mega Man 6 routes are mostly centered on acquiring Flame. It is a very powerful weapon and makes short work of normal enemies.

  1. Wind First (the current WR Route)
  2. Flame First
  3. Knight First

All routes proceed to follow weakness order:

  1. Wind
  2. Flame
  3. Blizzard
  4. Plant
  5. Tomahawk
  6. Yamato
  7. Knight
  8. Centaur

Why Wind First

Wind's stage is not really helped by having any weapons, so it is a prime candidate to go first. While Flame's stage is not either, the fight against Flame is severely hampered by not having a weapon, where as the Wind fight is not. As such, Wind first wins out.

Knight First is viable, however the Knight stage is aided by weapons and items. The fight itself is also significantly easier with Yamato, which Knight cannot block with his shield.

Flame First and Knight First were also recommended by Nintendo Power and Game Pro, respectively