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Scaraovich Stage - Ice Glitch

Play this stage with Falcon-Armor X, after acquiring Wolfgang and Mijinion's weapons

There is a glitch involving Wolfgang's Ice weapon with X that lets you skip the entire stage. With some practice, you should be able to get this very consistently. The biggest issue is that you must have 4 successes with only 9 shots. If successfully executed, you do not need to enter ANY of the totem sub-levels. (Note, this also means you will not receive ANY of the items, parts, etc within them)

The Setup

Each totem is near a raised section of floor. With some practice, you should be able to

  • Jump up just before the raised section
  • Fire the Ice weapon
  • Air-Dash to where the Ice weapon lands.

If done successfully, Mega Man will "take damage" (he'll lose 0 HP). You must use these invincibility frames to quickly move past the totem's blue outline.

On the final totem, you can hang against the wall safely and enter the boss gate.