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All Stages Route

The All stages route is required to defeat all 8 mavericks in their original stages (as opposed to the refights teleporter room), before completing the final stages.

Current WR Route (2024)

  1. Intro Stage
  2. Rainy Turtloid - Get Zero from Nightmare Area
    • The run uses Rainy Turtloid's stage for ease of access and two items contained in the Nightmare area, the Hyper Dash and Saber +
  3. Shield Shledon
  4. Infinity Mijinion
  5. Rainy Turtloid
    • Gives access to Zero's invincibility glitch
  6. Commandar Yammark
  7. Blizzard Wolfgang
  8. Metal Shark Player
  9. Ground Scaravich
  10. Blaze Heatnix

Route Rationale

As mentioned above, Rainy Turtloid has an easily accessible nightmare area, required to collect Zero. Despite taking a long time, Zero's attacks make the run dramatically faster.

Shield Sheldon gives Zero the Guard Shell, which makes Saber Dash Cancel surprisingly more powerful. That stage and and Infinity Mijinion also rapidly build Nightmare levels and Zero's Rank, allowing him to equip items, mainly the Saber Plus, Hyper Dash, and Full Recover. (to do, add the item equiping glitch).

Turtloid's Zero Technique gives access to Zero's invincibility glitch, used in the next 3 stages.

Yammark's stage contains the Full Recover and Subtank safeties.

Ground Scaravich's stage must go after Wolfgang's to utilize the Ice Glitch Totem Skip.

Heatnix's stage goes after Metal Shark to use the charged Eagle Dive attack on the overabundance of midbosses.