Flash Man - Stage
Flash Man's stage is at best minimally sped up by items and weapons, and Flash Man's Time Stop is a very useful utility. As such, Flash is done early if not first in most routes.
A few notes on the stage:
- There are subtleties to the movement to avoid hits from turrets better explained by some better than me, especially the second cannon.
- For the fourth screen, falling down the left side to the mini-turret, position Mega Man in the middle of the gap falling straight down to avoid the shot.
- Remember on "Normal" the tin-can-man goes down in one, and on difficult you will need to dodge the cans.
- Take the right-side path down from the second mech to take the top path on the final long screen.
- The top path here is the only place a Utility Item may be useful - Item 2 specifically. However you are unlikely to have it.
- For the very end, walk under the long platform with the mech on it, jump and barely move left onto the platform, then jump right to the corridor gate.
There is an e-Tank on the top of the last screen, however it takes a very long walk to collect.
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