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This page notes general truths about zipping. For specific zips (such as the Good Wood zip), check their stage pages and Duckfist's Tutorial.

A-Trigger vs. B-Trigger

Several zips will refer to an A-Trigger or a B-Trigger.

A-Trigger zips require mega Man to be in position in the ceiling (or above the screen). The player then jumps (pushing A), and then 4-to-7 frames later, tap left. (NOT A+Left at the same time, but A-Then-Left)

If Mega Man is off screen, such as the Heat Man Zip or most beginner Bubble Man Zips, you must use the A-Trigger.

B-Trigger Zips use Mega Man's "throwing" animation, and tap left during the animation to trigger the Zip. Most Screen 2 Crash Man zips, and the Metal Man Zip use the B trigger.

Ladder Zips

Just like Mega Man 1, Mega Man can climb too high off a ladder and end up in the ceiling. This can cause Mega Man to zip.

  • As part of the "Good Wood" zip
  • As "The Sexy Zip" on screen 2 of Wily 4, and several other locations in Wily 4
  • There are at least 2 locations where this can Zip the player into a bad situation, so use caution when grabbing the top of ladders.
    • Wily 1 vertical section near the Sniper Joe
    • Wily 4 screen 3

Vertical Screen Zips

The easiest one of these is probably in Wily 4, the screen with two false floors and a ladder up to the screen with a false floor above spikes.


By riding the item 3 next to the ladder until Mega Man pops into the ceiling, then pushing jump 3 times then up+left. Mega Man appears on the next screen at the very top, not needing to navigate the room.

This occurs in a few other places (the end of the first screen of Wily 1, the middle of Good Wood).

Gate Crashing

In several stages, you can zip through the ceiling all the way to the boss gate. (Quick Man, Wily 3, Wily 4, Wily 6)

You must push right at the X-Coordinate of the gate. The screen will only transition by "walking through the gate."

If you do note walk through the screen transition, you must take a death to respawn and try again. It should be noted that this cannot be done in Quick Man's stage, resulting in a true soft lock (you must reset).

"Zip Land"

There are several places, such as the Good Wood zip and Crash Man zips, where Mega Man is a screen or two ahead of what is visually on screen. This can be seen a little when a screen scrolls into view that is from the future, before visually resetting to "the correct" next visual screen.

Mega Man is walking through the time and space of the screen shown while the screen comes into view, but the game is tracking him on the screen it actually displays. Sort of.

This is a weird state that must be corrected before finishing the stage.

  • In Quick Man's stage, Mega Man walks left "backwards" onto the correct screen.
  • In Crash and Wood, an intentional death is used. 

Zipping Too Far

Several stages have a Wily stage tacked onto the end of them in the game's memory. This is easiest seen in Wood Man's stage by zipping too far at the end of the Good Wood zip - You will beam into Wily 3. In this state, Mega Man cannot spawn the boss of the castle stage, and you must find a way to intentionally game over or otherwise reset to get back on track.