Bolt Locations - Frost Man
There are 6 bolts in the stage. The two in the first half of the stage are collected in any%.
One bolt in the second half requires a revisit, specifically after Astro Man.
Thanks to the Compendium for image and bolt descriptions. Note that red numbers are collected on the first visit, and yellow numbers (the 1 and 2 in the second half of the stage) are collected on the second visit.
First Half
Near the end of the second tinted section of the first autoscroller, take the top route to get the bolt. (Editor's note - using a Mega Ball makes the jump after this bolt safer. This safety is completely optional)
After the third set of falling platforms on the first autoscroller, simply hold right while falling to get the bolt.
Second Half
On the first visit, use the ice block marked with a black star to access the third bolt. On the second visit, use Hyper Slider to reach the first bolt on foot, then hop on Rush Bike.
On the first visit, use Flash Bomb to quickly access the fourth bolt. On the second visit, use Astro Crush to break the ice, then Flash Bomb to access the bolt.
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