Sword - Part 2
There is 1 bolt in this section, near the end after riding the lava-boat down the waterfall
Sword Man's boss fight calls for a lot of damage boosting, to help manipulate his patterns. Try to avoid damage in this section.
First Screen
The intended strat is to push the right button of the boat while the lava geyser is down, then ride it to the top.
Ball jumping is clearly faster, however it is trickier than it looks. There is a rhythm to reach the top without bonking on the ceiling, and not going too far right into the geyser.
Second Screen
You have a short period of time to slide across the two sinking pillars without your slide stopping halfway across.
Third Screen
Ride the lava boat to the right. Once the geysers raise you up, ride it to the left quickly until you can jump and grab the ladder.
Keep in mind the boat explodes if it contacts the spikes, which will likely kill the player if your are riding the boat at the time (either by falling into the spikes or the lava)
Ride the lava boat to the far right, then ball jump over the spikes and get to the ladder.
This ball jump is tricky for multiple reasons - controlling the height of your jump, making sure the boat goes right, and money jumping before contacting the lava. This saves minimal time so only attempt this if you are confident.
Slide off the ledge to the boat.
If the boat goes right, slide off the boat and ball jump to the right. Make sure you don't go high enough to contact the spikes, and ball jump around the spike ceiling. You have to ball jump all the way up.
If the boat slides left, abort. You can hesitate to make sure the boat goes right (which also gives you less distance to cover too).
Screen 4 & 5
Get past the enemies and tornado hold + ball jump up the ladder. Ride the lava boat to the right.
Shoot the green bats so they don't knock you into the lava.
For 40 bolts, use a Grenade on the rock formation near the end to reveal a ladder that goes to the bolt.
You should not need the additional weapon energy for Sword Man
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