Bolt Locations - Tengu
There are 4 bolts in Tengu Man's stage.
Only 2 are collected in any% - the visible bolt after the mid boss in part two, and the low bolt on the last screen before Tengu.
If the last bolt is difficult to obtain, substitute the stage's first bolt.
Special - There is one bolt in the second half that requires a revisit after Search Man. The current rules of 40 bolts allow duplicating a bolt in Sword Man's stage to reach 40, and this is the longest bolt to reach, so it gets cut in favor of the duplicated bolt.
First Half
At the end of the first screen, either jump on the high platforms with the wind, or ball jump (from the left)
Second Half
The bolt labeled 2 in this image is free to collect after the mid boss. It's in an autoscroller, so grab it.
The bolt labeled one can only be collected on a revisit with Homing Sniper (Search Man). Fire the homing sniper to release the bolt.
This is the section immediately after the second bubble climb. Platforms spawn low to reach this bolt.
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