Bright Man - Screen 1
Whether first or second, the first section (nay, the whole first half) of Bright Man's stage is the same
Movement on this screen is fairly precise, and the timing of kills matters to avoid the lights going out at the wrong time.
For example, the first shot is fired after one slide. This way the second enemy (a dark enemy) can be shot before the fireworks from the first green (light) enemy stop, which keeps the room lit up.
Do note the last shot to kill the last enemy is important - if it misses, the enemy will likely knock Mega Man into the pit if you are moving at speed.
That said, the last jump should be after sliding off the high ledge, jumping almost as soon as you land. It's a tight jump.
Examples of Mistakes
Shooting the first enemy means the lights stay out instead of coming back on when shooting the black-out enemy.
Not sliding off the last ledge may make the distance needed to jump too far.
Not shooting before the last jump makes killing the enemy when you land difficult, likely resulting in getting tossed into the pit.
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