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Room 2 - Skeleton Joe

A short room with just one Skeleton Joe at the center, despite the glaring simplicity of the room you can clear it with various strategies.

Beginner Strategy

We can just damage boost through the Skeleton and jump at the ladderfceux_X3nbLtaD0T.gif

Intermediate Strategies

To speed up the room by a couple of frames we can add some balloons usage in the room, the first we can add is a Balloon Jump on the wall.


Another small improvement that we can add is to use a balloon at the start of the room, the objective by placing the extra balloon as we jump off the ladder is that we can trigger the slide lower and a bit earlier, therefore saving a few frames.fceux_YrX9LdpwdJ.gif

Advanced Strategies

As a final add, it's possible to dodge the damage boost from the Skeleton, we are going to use one extra balloon in order to make this work.

There are 2 ways this can be done

Safe way 

The safe way is not very punishing as in case of a final, this can be easily reverted to one of the previous stated strategies.


World record way

The way is quite risky has it's very easy to place the third balloon too high and die by getting crushed. This also doesnt save a significant amount of frames so use at your own risk.


Fastest Recorded Room Time

Fastest time is tied at 2'18 with LookinToad and Chelney