Skull Man - Second Half
Most of the second half of the stage is handled by Bright Man's Flash Stopper. This mostly results in the route depending on your slide movement, to extend each Flash as much as possible.
First Screen Notes
- With Flash active, the turret enemies that usually cannot be injured from behind are vulnerable. They take 3 lemons each.
- If a lemon hits them on the same frame they spawn, it will deflect anyway! Worse, it makes them completely invulnerable for the duration of the flash. So time your shots appropriately
- The last jump of the screen is especially tight. Use caution.
Second Screen / Last Long Screen Notes
- Teles won't spawn during Flash, so use it sooner than later.
- Skeleton Joes take 3 lemons to defeat during a flash. They will not crumble.
- You might want to fire one extra lemon at the end - a Tele can spawn if Flash runs out and the lemon will make short work of it.
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