Room 1 - The Slinkies
This room is the first to introduce the Slinky enemy () into the game.
The weakness for those enemies is the Drill Bomb but using it would be very slow as this would require extra menuing when you can deal with them somewhat easily with the Buster. You need to be careful though as they hit quite hard and they are quite resistant you need 6 shots to kill them or 2 full Buster charges.
Ways to clear this room differs and the faster you wanna be the hardest this will be as this would require tight timing and good mashing.
There is an E-Tank hidden in the snow at the far left of the start area. This takes only a second or two to collect, and is an excellent race/no-reset strategy.
Easy way
When you first start, this room isnt very scary as you can easily jump over some slinkies while preparing a Buster charge. In this clip, we are shooting the first Slinky doing an A + B combinaison of inputs while keeping the B input afterwards to hold the charge. The idea here is to kill the slinkies that are hard to avoid, if you have a good jump mashing can deal the 3 remaining shots in one jump, although it is not recommended to go for it if your jumping isnt very consistent as there is a high chance to take damage in this case.
Faster ways
Using the same plan and with better mashing you can speed up the room quite easily by slowing down less when killing the slinkies.
This one adds the one jump kill at the 3rd slinky, which is quite advanced. You need a pretty good balance with movement and mashing to do it properly.
Advanced way
This is the fastest way to clear this room, the idea is to kill the 2nd slinky while preparing 2 or 3 lemon shots to kill the next slinky. It's a significantly harder strat and needs a good mashing to be done properly and save time over the previous strategies.
Fastest recorded room time
Current fastest recorded room at 14'17 by Chelney
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