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MM4 Refight Route

Both refight routes follow some basic principles

  • Reduce weapon swaps as much as possible (less pauses)
  • Make use of soft weaknesses
  • In stages, it is preferred to kill bosses in the middle of the room to reduce explosion lag. In refights, it is preferred to position Mega Man on the teleport exit to leave the room as soon as possible
    • Remember collecting health is not required to exit, so if you WANT the health, get away from the exit before finishing the boss.

New Route

  1. Enter the teleporter room with Ring equipped from collecting ammo earlier in the stage
  2. Dust first since Ring is equipped
  3. ???
  4. Profit


Old Route

  1. Enter the teleporter room with Dust equipped from collecting ammo
  2. Pharaoh First
    • Pharaoh takes 2 damage from Dust
  3. Skull second
    • You can go over the middle two teleporters, but it's slightly faster to slide through them. This is a somewhat tight slide to avoid getting teleported - start from almost inside the glass
  4. Switch to Skull, Dive third
  5. Bright Fourth
    • Skull does 2 damage to Bright
    • As earlier, your goal is to avoid getting flashed. Hit Bright with either 3 or 5 Flashes
    • Switch to Toad to finish the fight.
  6. If you have more Toad, keep it equipped and go to Drill
    • Using one Toad does 1 damage, as Dive missiles leave Drill with 1 health left after 9 shots
    • Switch to Dive for the rest of the fight
  7. Switch to Drill, fight Toad
  8. Switch to Pharaoh, fight Ring
    • You cannot enter this fight with a charge overhead, so adjust accordingly. Typically this means the opening charge shot is a normal shot, and you need one extra uncharged pharaoh shot at the end
  9. Switch to Ring, fight Dust
  10. Keep Ring equipped, advance to Wily Machine.