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MM4 Wily Machine

Ring and Drill

Phase 1

Use Ring and enjoy that wonderful dink sound.

Ring does 3 damage, leaving the machine with 1 HP left. At this point, switch to drill to finish the machine with a high shot. This will do damage to phase 2, making the life meter fill instantly.

Phase 2

Use Drill, but remember Drill itself will not connect. You need to detonate the drill bombs with B just in front of the weak spot to do damage.

It takes 7 drills to defeat. (Keep in mind the last drill from phase 1 should count towards this. If it did connect, the life meter will fill to full, and the next drill will appear to do 8 damage.)

The Soft Lock

After the Machine explodes, it is possible to kill Wily's escape capsule with Toad's Rain Flush. This soft locks the game.