Room 1 - Skull Man Zip
At the start of the first screen, you can zip using one Balloon and Invicibility frames to get through the first wall, this saves around 6 seconds over doing the intended way.
How it's done
The idea is to go back to make the Togehero (the Spike enemy) spawn at the top, you then have to place a balloon when this enemy is about 2/3 in the wall and jump slide into it as fast as you can.
While practicing some cues can indicate what you are doing wrong :
- If you die, it means you were too early on the placement
- If you get pushed out without zipping, it means you were too late on the placement
In RTA runs, one recommended alternative is simply using bright and clear the first screen at ease. The cannons are taking 4 hits each, so to optimize movement, you wanna try to bullet slide (shooting then immediately sliding) as much as possible, depending on how your movement is you may need to Flash the room more than once.
Fastest Recorded Room Time
The current fastest recorded room time is 13'59 by Chelney
The fastest non-recorded room time is 13'56 by LookinToad
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